If you have decided you would like to apply for adoption of one of our rescued Labrador Retrievers, please take the time to fill out the following adoption form as completely as possible. We realize that our form is lengthy, but the information you supply in the form greatly assists us not only in the approval process, but also in finding the right dog for your family.

Lab Rescue of NC adopts to all areas of NC and parts of SC, VA, and TN. We cannot adopt to other states due to our adoption process than can include a home visit. Thank you for your time and for your interest in a rescued Labrador Retriever!

Our adoption fee is $275.00 per dog
Looking for an outdoor dog? Read this first - Outside Dogs

Our first contact with you once we receive your completed application will be by email from one of our adoption screeners. If you have not received contact within 5 days, please email us. (Please also make sure to check your SPAM folder) Thank you!

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Spouse/Partner/Housemate Name

Street Address



Zip Code

Home Telephone
(Include area code)

Work Telephone
(Include area code)

When is the best time to reach you?

How many adults in the home? 

Do all adults work outside the home?  

What is the occupation(s) of adult(s) in the home?

How many children live in the home?  

Please give the ages and gender of all children in the home:

Are all family members (or roommates) in agreement about adding a new pet to your family?  

What type of residence do you live in? 

Do you: 

Does your landlord allow pets? 

Does your landlord have a weight/size/breed restriction on dogs? 

Landlord's name/phone number:
(Required if you rent/lease! Attach a copy of your lease company's pet policy)

How long have you lived at your current address?

If less than one year, please list previous address?

Does anyone in your family have allergies to animals? 

If yes, please explain.

Please tell us what you feel being a responsible dog owner entails.

Under what conditions would you consider giving up a dog you own?

Who will be responsible for the care of the lab you adopt?

Have you ever owned a Labrador Retriever? 

If no, do you feel you are truly familiar with the breed? 

If you have not owned labs previously, what kind of research have you done into the Labrador Retriever breed?

Why have you chosen to adopt a rescued lab?

Where will your lab primarily live?  

What is the average number of hours your lab will be left alone (without people) at a time?

Tell us where you will keep your lab while it is home alone.
(Run of the house, in a crate, garage, basement, tied out, fenced yard, dog lot, etc.)

Tell us where your lab will sleep at night. Be specific.

Tell us how/when/where you will exercise your lab on an average day. Be specific.

Do you have a fenced yard? 

If fenced, what type of fencing is it?
(Chain link, board, picket, dog wire, electronic/invisible, etc.)

If fenced, what is the fence height?

If not fenced, how & where will you "potty" your lab?

Would you be willing to take your new lab to basic obedience classes if we felt
the lab (and therefore you) would greatly benefit from such classes? 

If no/not sure, please tell us why.

How far are you willing to travel to meet a prospective lab?

If you are interested in one of the labs listed on our "Available Dogs" page,
please tell us which one. (Name and/or description)

What color lab do you prefer?  

Would you consider another color if the lab is a good match otherwise?  

Which gender do you prefer  

Would you consider the opposite gender if it was a good match otherwise?  

What age range do you prefer?
(Youngest to oldest that you would consider adopting)

Do you currently own another dog/s? 

If yes, please list breed/age/sex.

Please list any other pets you currently own. Include what type, age, sex.

If you currently own a dog(s) and/or cat(s) are they:
Spayed/Neutered? Current on vaccines?
Dog(s) currently on heartworm preventive?

If no on any of the above 3, please explain why.

Please give your current/previous Vet clinic name, address AND telephone number. (Required)

Please list previous dogs you have owned, as well as why you no longer have them.

Please list three references, their complete addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.
(Email addresses required. Please list people other than family members.)

Tell us any additional information that may help us match you to the best dog for your family.

While we encourage you to look elsewhere, including other rescue groups and your local shelter, for a rescued dog, our volunteers are working hard to find a dog that would fit into your family if your application is approved. Have you applied to other rescue groups and/or looking at your local shelters for a new pet?  

If yes, please explain. Please let us know if you adopt a pet from somewhere else, so that we can close your application.

By submitting this form I declare that I am at least 21 years of age and that all the information on this form is true and correct. I understand that any misrepresentation of fact may result in my not being approved to adopt a lab or the removal of the adopted dog from my home by Lab Rescue. Lab Rescue of North Carolina, Inc. reserves the right to refuse or deny any application and/or adoption.

Since we are volunteers with full time jobs and/or other commitments it does sometimes take a few days to get back to you.
PLEASE NOTE: You will receive an email from the adoption screener's private email address that will handle your application. The email will not have an email address showing labrescuenc.org The email will have an attachment that you MUST read and then YOU MUST CALL the number listed in the response to continue the adoption approval process!

If you do not hear from us within a few days PLEASE let us know as we may not have received your application!
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Lab Rescue of NC, Inc.

After you have completed and reviewed the application, click the 'submit' button once.