Labrador training: practical tips

Labrador training: practical tips

When each of us gets a dog, he dreams of teaching her all the commands and raising a really smart dog. Not everyone has information about how to do it better and what methods should be used to teach a puppy to use the toilet on the street or a diaper. It may even seem to many that it is almost impossible to do this at home. However, this is a big misconception.

The tips of dog handlers are as follows:

  1.  First of all, you need to study your pet. His breed, character, habits, if any. After that, you will be able to figure out which methods to use for training.
  2.  Try to create a comfortable place for training, where nothing will distract the puppy from the commands. It is better to conduct  training in the yard or on the street.
  3.  Forget about the assault on the dog. Even if she went to the toilet in the wrong place. Or dirty your bed.
  4.  Be dispassionate in your instructions, but praise or express dissatisfaction if the situation requires it.
  5.  Do not forget about healthy eating, walking and training in the fresh air.
  6.  Be filled with desire and patience. Do not give up dog training, because only regular classes will benefit.

This breed is famous for its dedication and activity, but in order to avoid unpleasant antics of the Labrador in the future, it is necessary to start his upbringing even when he is a small puppy. Especially considering that you will not need great skills at the same time. The main rule of training is regularity, otherwise all efforts will be wasted. If you have been interrupted for a while, then you need to start all over again.
It is also better to conduct classes outdoors, where there is a lot of space and freedom of action. Such lessons can last in different ways: 10 minutes or half an hour. It all depends on the age of the Labrador retriever.

Several universal rules:

  1.  The commands are clear. A Labrador puppy is sensitive to emotions, so you need to tell him what to do in a dispassionate, clear voice. Only then will the training bear fruit.
  2.  Dissatisfaction or praise can be expressed in a tone of voice, and be sure to back up the actions with treats.
  3.  The command must be well understood by the puppy. If he hasn’t memorized it yet, it’s not worth teaching the Labrador new techniques.

For puppies, you need to start with a minimum and move incrementally. Commands must be given in an even voice and absolutely clearly. Emotions will be appropriate only when you praise or are upset. Of course, do not forget about the delicious rewards.
Remember that training should be interesting and it is best if it is outside. There are no special techniques that you can use. The main thing is approval and disapproval, depending on the success of the pet.

Never teach a new team until the Labrador puppy has learned the old one, otherwise you will simply knock him down and teach him nothing. For example, don’t teach him to use the toilet if he hasn’t really remembered his name yet.
As soon as the little Labrador puppy is in your house, then feel free to start training him. There is no need to listen to those who say that learning can only take place after the onset of six months. It may be too late, because you miss the moment when the Labrador takes root in the house and forms his understanding of his own situation.

You need to start, of course, with a simple one, for example, with the study of his nickname. Everything is elementary here – just repeat his name several times a day, addressing the pet. And then in 4-5 days your pet will already know what his name is, and all because of his sharp and insightful mind.
The next command is “place”. When it is performed by a puppy, you will be able to teach your pet to go to sleep and rest in the place that you have determined for him. He will not climb with dirty paws on your bed or sofa.
After that, more complex commands and training begin, which you need to be able to organize in order to achieve the right effect. For home training, the “fu” command is important and it is quite simple to teach it. Put some delicacy in front of the puppy, and when he reaches for it, easily slap him with a newspaper and say “fu”. And so several times. Thus, he will understand that although it is delicious, but you can get it from the owner.
Do not forget to allocate your pet his dining area and personal dishes. Don’t encourage what he wants to eat from your plates. You will not get rid of this in the future by any means. Therefore, put food on his plates only and in no other way. Even if he initially refuses to eat from them, it does not matter, do not make concessions to him. Wait, and he will decide to eat from there. Of course, his dining area should be clean and tidy. The water tank is always filled and clean. Avoid hand-feeding unnecessarily. This will also become a bad habit for the dog.
Most dog handlers offer to study in detail the characteristics of your animal’s breed, its character, in order to understand which methods can be used and which cannot. Also, do not expect great success right away, be patient and create favorable conditions for training. Veterinarians offer such a set of basic rules

  • never hit or shout at an animal;
  • give instructions clearly and not emotionally;
  • always praise or disapprove of behavior;
  • make training interesting and active, on the street;
  • not to give up the upbringing of the dog, but to engage in it constantly;
  • monitor the living conditions and nutrition of the pet;
  • be patient and treat like your own child.

Rules for the upbringing and training of a Labrador from the first days

Labradors are among the smartest dog breeds. Often they learn the command from 2-3 times, memorizing it for life. Learning ability is maintained until old age.
The problems include impulsivity: Labradors are easily distracted and often try to escape to play. Sometimes they try to trick them into getting more treats for a minimum of work. Because of the nature of Labradors, it is easy to learn to be companions, hunters, guides, detectives, but security skills are difficult for them.

One of the primary questions is when to start teaching Labrador commands?

Education should begin from the first day of the puppy’s stay in the house. He should be called by name, accompanied by the command “To me!”. The second main command is “Place!”. With this word, show the puppy a lounger, and then repeat it, transferring the baby to rest. Stop the forbidden action with the command “Fu!”. It is advisable to introduce the puppy to these commands in the second month of life.
The most fruitful age for learning is 3-6 months, later learning decreases slightly, and fixed habits remain, so it is important not to miss this moment.
You need to train the dog before feeding. At first– in quiet places, where nothing will distract her. However, a well-trained Labrador must execute commands on the street, amid noise, an abundance of smells and in the company of other dogs, so after fixing the skill at home, it must be repeated already on a walk.
A frequent question is how to teach a Labrador a voice command? After all, the dog can not be pushed to this (just like a slight pressure on the sacrum to force the dog to sit down). In fact, everything is simple: command “Voice!” when the puppy starts barking, and soon he will catch the connection.
After the Labrador puppy gets used to a new place, you can train him to a collar. Put it on the puppy and immediately offer a toy or treat. Distract the baby when trying to remove the collar and praise if he does not do it.
Having fastened the leash, first do not pull the puppy, follow him yourself. Gradually accustom yourself to a light tension and the fact that it should follow you. Do not forget to reward for success.

The upbringing of a small labrador begins with toilet training. As soon as you see that the baby begins to sit down characteristically (after eating, sleeping or playing), take it to the tray or to the newspapers. Pat and praise him when he’s done. Encourage when he learns to go to the right place himself. Especially actively praise for the need on the street. When the puppy learns to tolerate (4 months), remove the “home toilet”.

Raising a Labrador puppy involves proper interaction with other people. Don’t let the dog greet guests too violently. Starting from three months, use the commands “Sit!” or “Place!”. When everyone is settled, cancel the command and let the dog meet new people.
It is necessary to regularly inspect the ears, eyes and teeth of the puppy. This will help to notice problems in time, besides, the dog must learn to respond normally to vet checks or at exhibitions.
Lifting the dog’s lips to inspect the bite, give the command “Teeth!”. After a while, he will start showing them himself.
If the claws are not erased on the asphalt, they need to be trimmed. Ears and eyes should be cleaned if necessary.
It is important to provide the dog with a healthy balanced diet. Alas, one of the characteristics of the breed is a tendency to obesity. It is necessary to feed the Labrador strictly according to the schedule and take him out of the room during the family meal. Do not allow guests to feed the dog.
Don’t change the commands. If you have started teaching the puppy the command “To me!”, do not use “Come here!”. It is strongly recommended to use the commands in their classic version. This is also important in competitions.
Do not spare the time spent on caring for and raising a puppy – your efforts will be rewarded with a loyal and intelligent friend!

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