Pet Bounce Reviews: Numerous Benefits? Or Dangerous Effects?

Pet Bounce Reviews: Numerous Benefits? Or Dangerous Effects?

As a pet owner, you’ve probably heard about Pet Bounce at least once. It’s meant to address one of the most widespread diseases in domestic pets – osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. This form of a health state is characterized by a progressive, permanent deterioration of the joint gristle. It can develop as a consequence of trauma or congenital joint abnormalities, such as dysplasia of the elbow or hip joint. This disease is incurable in its entirety. However, it is possible to control symptoms and pain.

Arthritis in dogs and cats is often due to trauma. This is the so-called traumatic arthritis. In this case, the cause is an injury or a sprain of the joint. There is a mechanical effect on the joint – bruise, impact, or stretching. Traumatic arthritis is eliminated quickly and disappears without a trace. For its treatment, NSAIDs (non-steroidal antiphlogistic medications) can be prescribed. The course of treatment is selected individually for each type of animal; its age and existing chronic diseases are taken into account.

Unfortunately, prescribed medications aren’t always the best solution. They can cause severe side effects and worsen the overall physical condition of your four-legged friend. Pet Bounce, in turn, is completely safe and natural.

Pet Bounce: Basic Info

Pet Bounce is an all-organic supplement for cats and dogs mainly. It is meant for addressing traumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, and chronic pain in muscles and joints. Unlike non-steroidal antiphlogistic medications, Pet Bounce doesn’t contain any stimulants, chemicals, or genetically modified products. Thus, it can’t provoke side reactions and/or develop tolerance.

The multivitamin supplement provides a whole host of health-giving effects to your four-legged friends:

  1. Pet Bounce provides essential vitamins and minerals to support joint health.
  2. The drops alleviate chronic pain and aches in joints and muscles.
  3. It boosts the level of energy, helps a pet to stay active.
  4. The product eases joint swelling and immobility.
  5. Pet Bounce reduces an inflammatory state.
  6. The supplement can address mood swings, irritability, and aggression. It also reduces stress.
  7. It lowers the risk of degenerative joint disease progression.

Main Components of the Drops

As we have mentioned earlier, the Pet Bounce dietary drops don’t contain any stimulants, chemicals, or genetically modified products. The potent mix is absolutely natural and combined to support the animals’ joint health.

Component Name

Key Effects

Hive bee venom

Such an extract effectively reduces intractable pain, alleviates an inflammatory state, and eases joint swelling. It’s proven to be powerful against arthritis and dysplasia symptoms.

Atropa bella-donna

The plant enhances the range of joint motion and reduces pain.


It eliminates toxins and free radicals from the organism, reduces ox stress, supports digestion, and can alleviate chronic pain.

Poison ivy

The ingredient is frequently used for treating osteoarthritis, bone fractures, and traumatic arthritis as it effectively eases pain and relaxes muscles.

Garden rue

It boosts energy, reduces stress, and alleviates the most common arthritis symptoms like swelling, local temperature rise, joint stiffness, and chronic pain.

How to Enhance the Pet Bounce Effects?

Pet Bounce can only alleviate arthritis symptoms. But to improve the effects, you can do the next:

  1. Go to see a vet. Only a qualified veterinarian can determine the disease severity and monitor your pet’s condition properly.
  2. Regular dosed exercise is extremely important. For example, swimming and walking are incredibly healthful for maintaining the tone of joints and muscles. Excessive stress can lead to an irreversible injury to the joints. Avoid running, grappling, balling, and jumping.
  3. Weight control is the most essential step in relieving the condition of any pet with inflammatory arthropathy. Being overweight will put additional pressure on their joints. Too active exercise increases the inflammation in the joints, which can accelerate the progression of arthritis. In the acute phase, the animal is prescribed rest, moderate or short walks.
  4. Provide the pet with a comfortable environment. The animal should sleep on comfortable, soft and warm bedding. A good pad will help protect its joints and reduce pain. A ramp can be made for dogs to get into the car or climb stairs.

Where Can I Find the Vitamin Drops? What’s the Price?

As of the time of writing, Pet Bounce can be ordered online through the official manufacturer only. One bottle of the drops goes for about 30 dollars. But as a rule, it’s not enough for fully addressing the pet’s condition. The producing company suggests other package variants at discounted prices. Thus, you can purchase three bottles for 79 dollars or six bottles for 199.95 dollars.

Pet Bounce Dosage and Recommendations for Usage

One bottle of Pet Bounce lasts about a month of oral administration. The optimal dosage is contingent on your four-legged friend’s weight and the condition severity. In most cases, 5 to 15 drops on a daily basis are enough to alleviate arthritis symptoms and improve the animal’s quality of life. The supplement doesn’t have a distinctive smell or taste, so you can easily mix it with water or give it to your dog/cat directly.

Note: if you feel like the suggested dosing isn’t enough for your pet, consult a veterinarian. Also, it’s better to discuss Pet Bounce interactions with other medications and aids if you give any.

Customers’ Feedback

I’m buying Pet Bounce for the second time. Very effective! The dog feels much better when taking it. She has a complex fracture of the left hind paw, the recovery period is very difficult. The dog is more than 10 years old, so the bones recover very slowly, and due to severe pain, she tries not to move. The supplement helps. Looking at the dog, I can say that the painkiller is good, and there were no side effects.

Angelo Blundell

An excellent product!  A shepherd weighing 32 kg was prescribed a dosage of 10 mg on a daily basis. It’s definitely effective because after taking Pet Bounce, the dog moved, not trying to rest. And the form of drops is like an additional bonus because analog tablets are really hard for my pet to swallow.

Borys Head

This product was prescribed to my cat by a veterinarian. He’s 8.5 years old, and after a fracture, suffers from pain in the paw and limps on it. I tried not to exceed the dose and didn’t mix drops with anything. The cat looks more active and moves easily.

Evie-May Piper

My retriever has arthritis and dysplasia. We urgently needed to stop the pain. Pet Bounce turned out to be really effective. In 30-40 minutes after the administration of the drops, my dog starts moving more actively and doesn’t yelp. Will definitely recommend the product to others!

Lamar Corrigan

A very cool supplement, it really helps with joint problems. Pet Bounce was suggested by the vet. My cat takes it every six months. I have a cat of huge breeds, a lot of weight provokes stress on his joints. This supplement is a must! I recommend it to everyone!

Bryce Dunkley

Pet Bounce helped my Maine Coon to deal with chronic pain. Due to his age and weight, it’s getting harder and harder for him to move. Sometimes, he couldn’t move at all, I carried him around the house and fed him with my hands. But with these drops, my cat finally feels better. He moves more easily. 5 out of 5!

Soren Harrell

Final Verdict

In case you notice the next changes in your pet’s behavior, you should take some measures as soon as possible:

  • lameness, unwillingness to walk or climb stairs, jump or play, lag when walking;
  • swelling in the joints;
  • soreness in the joint area;
  • licking the affected joints;
  • sometimes, a rise in local temperature;
  • aggression when you touch the affected area;
  • crunch (crepitus) in the joint;
  • the animal carefully sits down or gets up, lies down after sleep – these signs can also indicate arthritis.

Probably, the best decision would be to support the pet’s condition with Pet Bounce. This supplement is 100% natural, doesn’t cause any side effects and/or addiction, and effectively tolerates the pain. Other benefits are listed down below!


  • The supplement is manufactured in the form of oral drops and is easy to administrate.
  • Pet Bounce provides essential vitamins and minerals to support joint health.
  • The drops alleviate chronic pain and aches in joints and muscles.
  • It boosts the level of energy, helps a pet to stay active.
  • The product eases joint swelling and immobility.
  • Pet Bounce reduces an inflammatory state.
  • The supplement can address mood swings, irritability, and aggression. It also reduces stress.
  • It lowers the risk of degenerative joint disease progression.
  • Pet Bounce doesn’t contain any stimulants, chemicals, or genetically modified products.


  • Pet Bounce can be ordered online and through the official manufacturer only.

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