Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus Reviews: Dog Joint Support No.1?

Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus Reviews: Is It Worth Trying?

This is a must-read review about Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus! Most often, dog owners worry about joint problems in their pets. Such diseases are mainly diagnosed in dogs living in large cities. Confined territories have become the reason that the animal is limited in its movements. Such a lifestyle, as well as obesity and overfeeding, will definitely affect the health of your pet.

Joint problems are also a congenital condition in some breeds. Diseases can manifest themselves in the form of a decrease in the activity of the animal: it is difficult for him/her to descend or climb stairs, the pet limps, and after sleep, stiffness in movements is felt. Diseases of the joints most often begin to bother over the age of 7 years.
The treatment procedure in dogs can be done medically or surgically. Surgical intervention requires great skill and professionalism of doctors. And even if the operation was carried out at the highest level, no one is safe from the fact that unforeseen complications may arise (especially, if the regime is violated). To avoid such things in the postoperative period, most breeders prefer to treat the joints of the animal with medication.
For effective treatment of the dog, you will need to take a set of medicines. Thanks to the fact that food manufacturers began to produce special formulations containing nutritional supplements, the treatment of dogs has become more effective. Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus is one of such dietary products. And further, we will tell you everything we’ve managed to find out about this supplement.

Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus: Basic Information

Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus is a naturopathic product for dogs of all breeds and ages suffering from joint problems (arthritis in particular). It’s produced in the form of soft pieces (or tablets), easy to chew and swallow. The supplement has a pleasant odor which is attractive to all domestic animals. So, there should no problems in giving the dietary chews to your dog(s).

Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus proposes a whole host of beneficial effects:

  • The dietic supplement takes part in the organism’s detoxification.
  • It alleviates an inflammatory state.
  • Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus eases intractable joint pain.
  • The supplement improves the range of joint motion.
  • It reduces joint swelling and stiffness.
  • It helps to relax muscles surrounding joints.
  • Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus boosts energy.
  • It supports the structure of bones and cartilages.
  • The product reduces the risk of fractures.

What Components Are Mixed in The Dietary Aid?

Aside from water, mineral substances, vitamins, and organic preservatives, Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus contains:

Perna Canaliculus

This compound is a great source of fatty acids and other nutrients essential for proper physical performance. It also provides antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects.


It’s one of the most important ingredients of the formula. This special component alleviates an inflammatory state and intractable pain. It can prevent diabetes, arthritis, and heart diseases.

Grape seed extract

It enhances the circulation of blood, lowers blood pressure, and reduces ox stress.

Alpha-tocopherol acetate

It promotes the healing process, eases inflammatory processes, and lowers the possibility of joint degeneration associated with aging.


MSM for short, this ingredient alleviates an inflammatory state, eases pain, reduces the risk of arthritis and bowel problems (constipation in particular).

Altogether, there are about 20 ingredients used in the formula. The full list can be checked here.

How to Use Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus?

The dosage depends on the size of your furry friend. 1 piece should be given on every 10 lbs of your dog’s body weight. And that’s just for the maintenance – when all the prescribed procedures and medication treatment are already undergone. If you are using the supplement as the main method of treatment, it should be given in 2 chews on every 10 lbs of your dog’s body weight for 2-3 weeks at the very least. Note that the product isn’t meant for dogs over 30 lbs!

Where to Find? How Much Is It?

We do not recommend trying to find Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus somewhere outside the official website as other platforms may distribute cheap fake options. Check everything twice before ordering!

As of the time of writing, the supplement is sold in one packaging option – one bottle containing 60 chewable tablets for 14 dollars. The delivery is usually made within 1-3 working days. International shipping is also available. Another plus is that the manufacturer provides a 30-day full refund guarantee. In case you don’t like the supplement’s effects, you can contact the support team and return Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus without additional questions.

Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus: Is The Product Safe?

The manufacturer makes use of organic components only. The dietary supplement perfectly suits hypersensitive dogs as it doesn’t contain grains, lactose, or chicken – the most common allergens. Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus is checked and certified. The dietary supplement is completely secure to give to your dogs on a daily basis.

Customers’ Reviews on the Product

Today, I want to share my opinion on the supplement against osteochondrosis and joint problems, which is designed to treat our pets – dogs. Of course, such a product should be prescribed/recommended only by a veterinarian, after a diagnosis has been made. Our dog is, let’s say, mature, he is 11 years old, and we began to notice that he began to somehow creep on his hind legs. We went to the veterinarian and were prescribed Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus. I must say, the dog ate these pills with pleasure, they must include what dogs like. But like all means of a similar plan, these pills also have their own side effects, and first of all, such chews can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract. This is also indicated in the annotation. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with your veterinarian before starting treatment. You may need protection for the gastrointestinal tract of your pet. Thankfully, our dog’s tolerance was normal. And the result of the treatment pleased both us and our pet. And it became clear literally on the second day. The dog was already running without bending down on its paws!

Luella Booth

Sometimes, it happens that my beloved dog is sick, like all living things. If possible, I treat her myself, but the day before, I took out a tick and was afraid that her incomprehensible behavior and gait problems could be associated with it. It’s good that this is not pyroplasmosis but just an injury, the veterinarian prescribed Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus for five days for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system in dogs. And to my surprise, the supplement helped! My girl now walks, runs, and jumps without any difficulties!

Caitlan Dennis

I bought Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus on the official website, asked for full instructions for the tablets – the support team send them to me as well. The supplement has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, in our case, it is perfect for an orthopedic problem. When examining the dog, it was revealed that she had pain when bending the hind limb. I gave my dog the last 2 chews today (we’ve finished the whole bottle), the supplement is working! My girl is active, playing around, there is a sparkle in her eyes, the pain has definitely subsided. Recommend!

Alfie-Lee Ryder

My dog is already 10 years old, and problems with the musculoskeletal system are not uncommon. On 10/16/2020, the dog could not stand on his hind legs and experienced terrible pain. A traumatologist in a veterinary clinic diagnosed an interdiscal hernia of the spinal column in the lumbar spine. Since the dog is aged, the tactics of treatment with the rest regimen and the intake of natural Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus were chosen. The supplement helped us and my Michel did great even without hormone therapy. 5 out of 5!

Hashim Simmons

Thanks to Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus, my terrier stays active even after turning 11 years old. Definitely recommend the supplement!

Danyal Callahan

Final Verdict

Regardless of the treatment method chosen (even if it’s Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus), it will not bring the desired results if the animal is overweight. This factor puts additional pressure on the already damaged joints. And until the owner of the pet brings the weight of the pet back to normal and does not exercise daily with the dog, the animal will not be able to get rid of such problems.
Physiotherapy has also proven itself in the treatment of joints in dogs. For this, laser, magnetic and infrared effects are used. In any case, the method of treatment should be selected by a veterinarian based on examination and test data. So, before ordering Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus, make sure to consult the vet clinic.

As for the rest, the supplement has proven to be effective and completely safe. It has already helped numerous medium-sized dogs to overcome joint issues. Both owners and their pets are happy with Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus effects!


  • The dietic supplement takes part in the organism’s detoxification.
  • It alleviates an inflammatory state.
  • Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus eases intractable joint pain.
  • The supplement improves the range of joint motion.
  • It reduces joint swelling and stiffness.
  • It helps to relax muscles surrounding joints.
  • Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus boosts energy.
  • It supports the structure of bones and cartilages.
  • The product reduces the risk of fractures.
  • The manufacturer provides a 30-day full refund guarantee.
  • There is an option of international shipping.


  • Vetriscience Glycoflex Plus can be ordered through the official manufacturer only.
  • The product isn’t meant for dogs over 30 lbs!

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