Eusoh Reviews: Is It Better Than Actual Pet Insurance?

Eusoh Reviews: Is It Legitimate?

If you are looking for ways of covering or at least lowering the expenses for your pet’s health care services, you’ve probably come across the Eusoh reimbursement provider at least once. Most people mistake it as pet insurance or actual health care provider. In fact, Eusoh is a pet insurance alternative.

Put it another way, Eusoh is a company that covers your pet’s health care expenses and emergency situations. It also offers discounts for the services of affiliate vets. Is it worth your attention? Is the Eusoh coverage good? Find out in this review!

Eusoh: The Model of Working

In this regard, Eusoh works as common insurance. You visit your veterinarian and cover all the expenses yourself first. Then, you ask to provide a receipt and take a photo of it. After that, you send the picture to the company’s support team and claim the reimbursement. Your claim is processed within 1-3 working days. After the processing period, you will receive up to 80% of your expenses on your bank card or any other indicated payment medium. Keep in mind that the reimbursement transaction may be done within a month after placing the claim.

Eusoh is considered a community-based system. It means that your membership fee contributes to overall coverage. Your payment can be used as a reimbursement for those who need it. Therefore, your monthly fee can vary from month to month. But the difference is usually no more than a few dollars.

How to Join the Community?

Before starting to take out insurance for your animal, it is imperative to undergo a general examination by a certified veterinarian. Naturally, this will not be covered by the Eusoh company. After the examination, the attending vet will be obliged to issue a full description and conclusion, which will indicate the presence (and list) of chronic diseases or their absence and the general condition of your four-legged friend. As a rule, such a conclusion looks like an ordinary A4 sheet with a special fill-out form. If your dog/cat has some kind of chronic illness, it will not be covered by insurance, or the monthly cost will be higher (depending on the disease and its severity; each case is considered individually). It is always worth having a paper version of the examination with a wet seal and asking for a copy to be sent by email.

Once you have undergone the examination, create an account on the Eusoh official website and submit an application. Add the veterinarian’s conclusion to the application. After that, you will be offered the most suitable program for your pet. You can discuss it and make some changes. Finally, you have to sign the agreement with Eusoh and join the community!

What Does Eusoh Cover? What Isn’t a Reimbursement Case?

As of the time of writing, the company provides reimbursements in the following cases:

  • injuries;
  • surgeries;
  • annual check-ups;
  • genetic disorders (for instance, degenerative myelipathy);
  • oncological diseases;
  • prescribed medications;
  • emergency care (in case of car accidents, difficulty breathing, and so on);
  • wellness care (various testings and vaccinations);
  • alternative treatments.

Surely enough, there are cases that aren’t subject to the Eusoh coverage. They are as follows:

  • breeding;
  • medications and products that aren’t prescribed (like dietary supplements);
  • grooming;
  • food;
  • spaying/neutering;
  • pre-existing conditions/chronic diseases;
  • dental care.

What’s the Price for the Policy? What Does It Depend on?

The cost of insurance depends on many factors:

  • the breed – accordingly, on the weight of the animal and the predisposition to certain diseases;
  • the age of the animal – for puppies (up to 16 months) and elderly dogs (over seven years old), monthly fees are more expensive;
  • the annual deductible. It implies in a year, you need to spend $250 “out of your pocket” (regardless of your insurance plan). Only after that, you will get reimbursements.

On average, the monthly cost is no more than 65 dollars. The price consists of 2 parts:

  • the Eusoh membership fee – 17 dollars (it doesn’t fluctuate each month);
  • the contribution to your pet’s health care.

The latter differs for cats and dogs and may fluctuate from month to month. Thus. The fee for cats is 10-15 dollars a month. The monthly contribution for dogs is 30-35 dollars on average. Billing occurs on a monthly basis between 28th and 30th.

Note that Eusoh covers only $8,500 annually. The reimbursement is 80% but may differ for various geographical regions. 250 dollars is a must out-of-pocket annual sum.

How to Calculate the Eusoh Coverage?

There is a simple formula for calculating reimbursements. Your annual out of pocket ($250) and member share percentage (20%; that’s approximately $150) are deducted from your total vet bill. Let’s say, you visited a vet and were charged 1,500 dollars. Your expected coverage is calculated the next way:

1,500 – 250 – 150 = 1,100

But note that you can expect to receive 1,100 dollars back in case your bill isn’t above the national average. The 80% reimbursement is based on the average prices for health care procedures across the country. The regional variance and difference in prices (if the services of a vet are more expensive) should be covered by the customer.

Does the Company Provide Vet Services?

No, Eusoh is a community that simply shares pet’s health care expenses. The platform doesn’t provide vet contacts or services. However, it can provide details on discounts and promotions in vet clinics in your region.

Is Eusoh Available Abroad?

As of the time of writing, the platform works with US citizens exclusively. Yet, according to the Eusoh website, the pet insurance alternative plans to expand to the international market as well.

Customers’ Feedback

Since May, the vet has become our second home: either my dog breaks a claw, then, he gets stagnation of bile, or we try to fight his allergies. Of course, it took a lot of money. And then, I came across an ad for Eusoh. I thought for 2 seconds, after which I insured my dog. And a few days later, we had to go to the vet again. At first, the eye was simply swollen, then a neoplasm of the third century appeared. An operation was prescribed to remove this neoplasm. Appointments, medications, tests, the operation itself – we spent more than $6,000. I honestly doubted that I would receive the reimbursement. I thought that there would be a lot of problems with the correct submission of the necessary documents. I insured the dog in June, in August, I applied for the compensation. And in September, I got covered! Thanks a lot!

Sanjeev Jacobs

I chose this insurance alternative because it offered favorable conditions that suit me. The support employee was polite, did everything quickly, and clearly explained what to do in order to receive a reimbursement. I’m completely satisfied with the services provided by Eusoh, so far, I haven’t noticed any drawbacks. –

Dolcie Lindsay

My cat got sick. Eusoh covered everything (analyzes, medications, ultrasonic diagnosis). I attached all the necessary documents, receipts,  and test results to my claim, and got covered within 2 weeks. This is not the first time I have contacted the company. They always cover my expenses. 5 out of 5!

Iolo Conway

Good community! One piece of advice: if you pay vet bills by card, ask if you will be given a check with a QR code in advance. There were slight difficulties with the check, but the Eusoh team helped to sort it out. The application was sent on 05.08, the money came to the card on 30.08.

Rosina Rasmussen

For 2 insured events, I received payment within 2 weeks. The main thing is to correctly draw up documents in the vet clinic and save all receipts.

Shelly Weeks

My pet got sick, and I had to spend about $1,000 for examinations. Fortunately, all my pets are insured. Eusoh processed my application and cover the expenses (not 80% but 70%). To be honest, I was expecting a catch and a refusal. But everything was fine. I will continue my membership in the Eusoh community.

Ashlee Stamp


So, why do you need the Eusoh service? To put it simply, this pet insurance alternative is a great way to manage your budget. With Eusoh, you don’t have to worry about $3,000 vet bills, expensive medications, and fees for emergency care. The community will cover them! And becoming a part of such a community is extremely easy: just create an account and submit the application! Give yourself peace of mind with Eusoh!


  • Eusoh provides reimbursements for numerous cases including emergency care, genetic disorders, cancer, and so on.
  • The monthly fee for the policy plan is cheaper by 40% in comparison with traditional insurance.
  • The annual “out of pocket” is $250.
  • Eusoh covers up to 80% of your expenses.
  • The customer service is available around the clock via live chat, email, or phone.
  • On the website, you can find the wide-ranging FAQ section where you can find answers to all your possible questions.
  • The platform provides a 1-month money-back guarantee in case you decide to cancel your membership.


  • The monthly fee may differ for each month.
  • There are no mobile applications available. You can use the platform through your PC or mobile browser only.
  • The plans can’t be customized. You cannot change the amount of reimbursements and out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Eusoh doesn’t cover grooming, pre-existing diseases, dental care procedures, and a few more services.

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