How to teach a dog to give a paw

How to teach a dog to give a paw

Learn the command ” Give a paw!”: training methods from a dog handler how to teach a dog to give a paw a Signal to give a paw is considered one of the main ones. It not only allows you to establish emotional contact with the owner, but also educates the pet, teaches it to discipline, like any training. Any service dog must fulfill the command unconditionally, it will be useful for Pets as a General intellectual development.

Why do I need complex training and the “Give me a paw” team?»

Raising a dog begins with simple rules of behavior. The puppy is trained to the schedule of walking, nutrition. The child needs to be taught how to behave indoors and outdoors. There are several principles, following which, the owner is easier to cope with the pet.

First, the dog is not allowed in the bed, not allowed to play or sleep on the furniture. There is a sunbed-this is a place for the animal.
Secondly, the household always eats first, after which the owner feeds the pet so that he sees that the food comes from the hands of a person. The larger the breed, the more important it is for it to develop tolerance and willpower. The dog should not take food from someone else’s hands, beg, steal.
The third principle is that a person always enters the house first, this will help the pet to recognize the leadership of the owner.
In the process of education, discipline is instilled in the animal. A trained animal will never bark, attack, growl, annoy, whine, howl, destroy a house, mark corners for no reason.

The list of the main recommended commands for any breed includes voice signals: “Sit”, “Lie“, “Place”, “Voice”, “can’t”, “Give me a paw”. As you study each of them, additional recognition signs are introduced: whistles, claps, and movements. First of all, for ordinary domestic dogs, training helps to establish contact with a person. When the owner and the animal understand each other, feel on an emotional level – a real strong friendship develops.

learning the command give a paw

The second positive side of regular training is discipline. The more signals the dog knows, the easier it is to control. The better they learn the commands – the faster they will respond in an emergency. This skill is necessary for all animals that are walking without a leash on the streets of the city (to stop in time before the road, throw garbage out of the mouth).

All hunting and service dogs are trained by experienced dog handlers, because it is especially important for them to quickly grasp the orders and follow them. For normal education, you can also use the help of a dog club.

At what age to start training

You can and should train an animal throughout your life. Another question is how effective the training will be. Experts recommend not to delay, to start education from the first days of appearance in the house.

From 2-3 months to 4 months, there is a process of active memorization (in most breeds, some are late maturing, which prolongs the period). At this time, the puppy needs a game, entertainment, encouragement. It is better not to overload the baby, to focus on 2-5 repetitions. The dog is able to remember easy commands, its name, some human words.
From 4 months, the pet enters an “adult” school. Here are allowed and training physical qualities, and narrowly focused teams. It is better to resort to collective training, so the animal will have an incentive to perform better, in addition, this measure will help in socialization. But re-education of an adult dog will take longer.
From 6-9 months, the pet’s character and habits are formed. But if there is a need to correct behavior, it is better to contact dog handlers.

Rules of the training program

In the education of the owner will have to show firmness but restraint. It is unacceptable to use rude words or use physical force. Professionals recommend following the basic rules that are necessary for any training program:

The voice is stern, firm, confident, and loud. The dog must feel the power of the owner, respect him. The intonation of each command must be different, so that the animal can distinguish one word from another. Shouting and swearing are forbidden.
The signal is pronounced 1-2 times, it is important to achieve fulfillment. If the pet doesn’t understand, they can be helped by demonstrating it on another dog or on their own. It is important to encourage any successful action.
If the pet indulges, does not listen, it is subdued with stop words “enough”, “quiet”, “bad”, “no”. You can’t hit an animal.
It is important to train regularly and systematically. You can switch to another command only after you have worked out and memorized the first one.
Before training, the animal must run and throw out energy, if the pet is tired, the program is finished.
Praise is needed:

  • first, the tone changes to friendly;
  • second, soft, affectionate words are used;
  • third, a portion of Goodies is issued.
  • tips of the dog handler on training

Methods of training the dog to the command “Give a paw”
Preparatory mandatory signal – “Sit”. If the pet does not know it or does not perform it, it will be difficult to concentrate on another task. Therefore, it is better to break the “Give a paw” after the course of basic behavioral rules.

It is important to be on the same level with the animal, if the breed is small, you can kneel or squat. The next step is to attract attention. This can be a whistle, click your fingers, the demonstration of the Goodies. After carrying out all the preparatory procedures-start the training itself.

Passive inflection

From the name it is clear that this method of training is based on physical manipulation. It consists in “building” the correct posture. It is important to be careful, do not pinch the pet’s limb, do not pull it, do not use brute force.

The owner shows the treat, fixes the animal’s attention, and utters a command.
Then, it takes the right paw and raises it on the palm or finger (for small animals) to the desired level (not higher than the dog’s shoulder). The pose is fixed for 2 seconds.
After that, a treat is issued.
Repeat the procedure until complete memorization and reflexive self-repetition.
learning the Dai paw command

guidance Method

The most common method of learning is also called the “motivation method”. The process simulates a game, so the owner must be positive and joyful in order to fix only good bright emotions in the animal’s mind.

The trainer demonstrates the Goodies, makes sure that the pet is fully interested.
Then the treat is clamped in the left fist and brought to the animal’s nose to increase interest.
The other hand is lowered to the desired level, but the left hand does not unclench.
The command is voiced – the dog will try to get food with its paw, at this moment the right hand catches the limb, the left hand opens and the food is given out.
In the process, the signal is repeated 2-3 times, after performing the pet is encouraged with positive exclamations.

Behavior selection

What can be better than training without training, just this method is based on spontaneous memorization of the team. Great for puppies and decorative breeds. Its essence is not to load the animal, but to use the moment of behavior.

For example, a dog wants to play and touches the owner with its paw. At this time, the owner utters the desired voice signal and gives out a treat. It is important to put your hand under your paw and say the command clearly several times.

Exercises to consolidate knowledge

To develop and consolidate the skill, you need regular and spontaneous training of reflexive reaction. That is, in addition to the planned training in a serious environment, it is important to use the team in everyday life.

Effective consider a sudden exercise “Give a paw”, for example, in the morning, when the pet just woke up; in the afternoon, when the owner just passed or returned home. It is important to experiment, the dog should serve the limb, even when the person is lying or sitting.

Fixing and developing is a team on different paws. The owner asks to serve alternately the right and left limbs, with a frequency of 1 execution in 2-3 seconds.

Correct execution of the command

To fully master the knowledge, the pet must follow the command in all variations. The final memorized signal calls for a paw feed in various ways.

The first one is standard, from any position (lying, sitting, standing). The animal must understand that you can give the limb not only in the palm of the trainer’s hand, but also on the knee, on the toe of the Shoe.
The second method is to hold the foot in the air.
The third is the ability to turn the paw (pillows up and down on command). Such training can easily be turned into an intellectual game that will develop attention and coordination.
Subspecies of the team
When the pet has learned to give both paws, consolidated knowledge, you can try to learn other similar signals:

“Give both” – the dog stands on its hind legs and gives two forelimbs in the hands of the owner;
“Clap” – the pet is still on its hind legs, alternately hitting the right and left paws on the palms of the person;
“High five” – the kid raises his paw and hits the owner’s open hand;
“Give back” – from a standing position, one of the hind legs is fed (back);
“Spanish step” – an element of freestyle, for which you need to know all the above commands; its essence is that the dog walks, alternately straightening the right and left forelimbs, imitating the bearing of a Spanish soldier.

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